Our Mission

For nearly 50 years, the mission of the Beverly Hills Education Foundation (BHEF) has been to elevate, supplement and enrich public school educational excellence in Beverly Hills by investing in people and opportunities that inspire learning, enrich teaching, promote innovation, and reward academic achievement for all students in TK-12th grade throughout Beverly Hills Unified School District.


We engage the community to be partners in Educational Excellence for all students by investing through financial donations, mentoring and/or community involvement. BHEF connects our entire community; families, civic leaders, businesses and alumni.


BHEF is the only Beverly Hills fundraising organization for education that:

  • has an endowment to ensure continual giving
  • offers legacy naming opportunities for all schools
  • Provides access to programs and enhancements by dispersing funds across all schools
  • is uniquely positioned to bridge schools with businesses and civic leaders through a community-wide commitment

Beverly Hills Schools continue to receive many state and national awards for outstanding and innovative programs in journalism, drama, athletics, architecture, the sciences and arts. Despite our stellar reputation, it is important to note that the public schools in Beverly Hills are not wealthy. The truth is we need to raise additional funds to maintain and exceed the quality of education all children deserve. Without BHEF, our PTAs, and the Joint Powers Land Lease Agreement from the City of Beverly Hills, many of the programs that our school district has implemented would be immediately eliminated or reduced.


Over the years, several million dollars have been raised by the Beverly Hills Education Foundation and contributed to our school district to fund vital school needs including:

  • Dedicated College Counseling Services
  • Visual and Performing Arts Programs
  • Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) Coordinator
  • BHUSD Science Fairs
  • Library Services Support
  • Supplemental Athletic Needs
  • Foreign Language Services
  • Co-Curricular Enrichment Opportunities
  • Media and KBEV
  • Elementary School Summer Enrichment
  • Summer Academy
  • Coaches
Our Vision

The Beverly Hills Education Foundation believes that nothing is more important than the education of our children. We must do whatever we can to ensure that our schools, in our world renowned city, set the standard for excellence in public education. We strive for 100% community support in our vision of Elevating Educational Excellence!

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